Alison Moore - Abundant Therapy Coaching

What problem or challenges were you facing prior to our coaching together and
what did you want to achieve that you were excited to get coaching on?
I experience myself as self-aware, and for several months I’ve been feeling weary and disillusioned. No physical reason and I accepted this was an emotional block. Except I didn’t know what exactly was blocked and hence knowing what to seek help with was just out of my grasp.
Seeing information on Sandra’s coaching programme got me thinking. Having worked with Sandra before, I enjoy her empowering, compassionate coaching style.
I didn’t really think ‘Money Mindset Mastery’ was going to solve my problems, I thought I understood my Money Mindset. I did know that time with Sandra would provide me with the right sort of energy and support and what’s not to lose.
Receiving the workbook in advance made me curious – this seemed to be a different approach to my previous experiences and I was very interested. I felt that whilst the subject didn’t seem to relate to my vague stuckness, the process of the session made me feel hopeful.
During our coaching together what did you find most valuable?
I found receiving the workbook in advance helpful – by printing it off, I was showing commitment to myself to be present with the process. I found the pace of the session, including the 2 breaks just perfect. I didn’t appreciate the format and was slightly anxious beforehand – knowing in advance there would be 2 breaks would have been very helpful.
I found the discussion then creation then note taking structure very powerful. The process of coming up with my personal affirmation was taken gently and respectfully, with just the right amount of challenge to my existing, limiting, beliefs. I also allowed myself to accept that I am on a deadline to achieving this. Part of me. felt, it’s not worth bothering with as I’m 59. Which, with Sandra’s gentle exploration has been replaced with I can do it and starting now is good.
Tell me about the successes you have already celebrated or already achieved since our coaching together.
I have signed up with a VA – which will ultimately simplify my life. I have also said ‘no’ to various activities that don’t line up with my vision. Especially those that required an investment from me, for no immediate or short term benefit.
I am (mostly) ok with the price points of my services – I do occasionally wobble, and then I repeat my mantra and I am OK.
What is a piece of advice or wisdom you want to share with someone who is thinking about coaching with me?
Do it – especially if you are feeling lost and vulnerable and can’t show it! Working with Sandra will be a gentle, supportive yet solid experience - a great way to invest in yourself because you are worth it.
I am finding it easier to make decisions and get focus and simplicity in both my business and personal life. I am able to quickly forgive and let go of out-date-beliefs and come up with innovative ideas and actions to progress.
If you are clear that your Money Mindset needs attention then investing in the programme will reap untold rewards. And if you are not quite sure that it’s your Money Mindset that’s the sticking point, be curious and courageous – you will not be disappointed.
Stacy Hauck - Business Coach

Sandra’s confidence and kindness as she coached me to a breakthrough in implementing a part of my business strategy was truly powerful; I could feel her in her element.
I felt like Sandra understood me and coached me to a solution that was exactly what I needed. Sandra helped me discover the best steps in taking with my business and helped empower me to take action with confidence.
Sandra’s successful business background makes her a perfect coach for anyone looking to upscale their business, no matter what industry you are in.
If you are contemplating coaching with Sandra, don’t give it another thought…book your spot with her now! You will be so grateful for taking action and eliciting Sandra's help.
Monique Coppens - Business Coach

I am being coached by Sandra on my money mindset and I love it. It is so helpful to look at that topic, one I have ignored for too long, because I was just in business to help people and focussing on money felt very well.....not spiritual.
I love how Sandra helps me get over that and embrace business and money. She has coached me through some great exercises and the outcomes I use as affirmations now. I really feel so much is shifting for me now since I decided to get serious about my business and money. And Sandra helps me do it and believe in it.
What I like best about Sandra is her kind and warm energy, I feel she sees me and my weak spots, but she is never harsh about it. In a loving way, she steers me to be more powerful in my business (and my life for that matter, it really rubs off ). Thanks Sandra!
Kajal Kumar - Mindset Coach

Money Mindset Coaching was very good as it helped me to look at my mindset around money and my conflicting views around money.
It has inspired and awaken the confidence around my own mindset and has encouraged me to create my own version of it to help my clients. It really emphasized the fire that was diming away. It has helped to clear the fog. Your style of conducting the session is very calming, pleasant and encouraging
Jane Travis - Grow Your Private Practice

I recently had a money breakthrough session with Sandra and it was really enlightening. To be honest, I wasn’t sure what to expect or how much can actually be achieved in 1 hour, but I was pleasantly surprised.
Although I’d already done some money mindset work, I’ve recently noticed some self-sabotaging behaviour creeping in and felt stuck which was affecting my business.
Talking with Sandra helped me pinpoint a hefty block that I’d not identified before and shared a couple of simple but powerful exercises to shift this. This was so valuable, and since our call I’ve been focusing more on clearing it.
Since the session I’ve been turning over what we discussed I now know what I need to do to keep moving forward and past this to keep growing my business.
Sandra is such a warm and compassionate person, I felt completely at ease and felt I could trust her completely.
If you’re thinking of having a money breakthrough session with Sandra, I’d say go for it. Who knows what blocks you could shift, and what success - and income - you could have as a result.
Karen Revell - Business & Money Coach

It doesn’t matter what level you’re at, money issues will always arise and show you where you need to do more work.
I reached out to Sandra when I noticed some emotional stuff around money coming up and I’m so glad I did.
Through her deep questioning and gentle probing she helped me get to the crux of a family dynamic that had me reach a certain money level and then drawback, so it was really impacting my business growth.
I found Sandra gentle and supportive in holding the space for me to go deep into my past and find the source of the problem and the beliefs I had attached to it. She really helped me gain clarity around the situation so that I could do the work to break free of the belief and move forward.
If you are having money blocks or have reached a money ceiling in your business, I highly recommend working with Sandra to move you through it.
Sarah McCalden - Business Coach

I did a Branding with Archetypes VIP Day with Sandra and it was AMAZING!! I got even clearer on my messaging and realised, through Sandra's coaching, that my Branding Archetypes, Romantic and Sage really are me. I had been finding it tricky to resonate with the Romantic, which is my Signature Archetype.
But through Sandra's skilful coaching I realised that there are so many things about me, and the way I think that are a part of the Romantic Archetype, I just hadn't been able to see the wood for the trees. I have already implemented a few of the touchpoints we discussed during our session and I feel like my brand is so much stronger than before. Thank you so much Sandra
Antonia Higgins - Counsellor/Trainer

What problem or challenges were you facing prior to our coaching together and
what did you want to achieve that you were excited to get coaching on?
Thinking about my worth as a coach and wondering whether what I could offer would have value for people.
During our coaching together what did you find most valuable?
Working out what my time is worth per hour was very enlightening and has really made me think about what I will spend my time on.
Tell me about the successes you have already celebrated or already achieved since our coaching together.
I have a pilot of a programme that is helping a coaching client move forward and achive results in growing their practice. I have outsourced a piece of work, which is a big personal success for me because I do usually try to do everything myself. It was a good feeling!
Why has coaching been a great decision for you?
Coaching helped me focus on what I want to do and gave me a clearer view of what I need to think about to achieve my success. It has helped me recognise that I have valuable knowledge to offer other therapists to help them succeed in their own practices.
What is a piece of advice or wisdom you want to share with someone who is thinking about coaching with Sandra?
Do it! Even if you feel a bit sceptical about the benefits of coaching for you in your business I would bet that you will get something from it that is useful and will make you think differently about your value and your ability.
Victoria Dada - Psychotherapist

What problem or challenges were you facing prior to our coaching together and
what did you want to achieve that you were excited to get coaching on?
Prior to our meeting, I have been reading books on money mindset. as a result of the insights I had gained, I knew for me to upgrade my life, I need to do some shifting on my money mindset. Am so glad I took the bold step to reach out to you.
During our coaching together what did you find most valuable?
With your willingness to help, I could really feel it that you really want to help. You ask very thought-provoking questions and you also give space to answer the questions. Your genuineness come through. I love all the mantras as well; I really connect to them all. They are so me!
Tell me about the successes you have already celebrated or already achieved since our coaching together.
Some doors of opportunities has been opening after our 1st session for example I’ve been asked to provide a session via zoom. Secondly am so as ease now with been visible especially on Instagram and as a result, have had few enquiries
Why has coaching been a great decision for you?
I woke up this morning feeling so excited because I know abundant rain is coming my way very soon and am super ready. I really believe in the power of giving my thoughts a voice in a safe and encouraging space and that is exactly what you provide in the coaching. By having coaching I know my inner critics will be silent and I can borrow the other strength and wisdom
What is a piece of advice or wisdom you want to share with someone who is thinking about coaching with Sandra?
Be open-minded. Be ready and willing to invest some money in yourself and your business. Come expectant and you will not disappoint!!!!
Overall, Thank you so much Sandra, every penny I’ve spent so far so worth it.
Shumba Wileman - Courage, Confidence, and Money Mindset Breakthrough Business Coach for Aspiring Women Entrepreneurs

I am an amazing Courage, Confidence, and Money Mindset Breakthrough Business Coach, and before the coaching session with Sandra, I was not very much at ease with delivering the VIP ½ Day Training.
What I found most valuable during our coaching session, was the flowing connection of every step towards the outcome.
I have celebrated changing my own money story, and I know how valuable my own coaching and services are, to my own clients.
I have been a Holistic Coach Therapist Trainer for 40 years, and coaching is my passion and my biggest joy factor because it impacts on, and changes people’s lives. That is why I joined the Money Breakthrough Business Coach programme, so that I can help my clients enjoy effective and clear outcomes.
Anybody thinking about coaching with Sandra, I really recommend her, because she is very patient, caring and attentive to the process. Thank you so much for your kindness Saz !
Gillian Batty

Having grown up in a family where lack of money created a lot of tension my own attitude to money, earning money, charging for my time and services felt uncomfortable. I had a belief that being financially comfortable was for other people, not me and my family. I’ve recently developed an online resource that helps people to understand and recover from anxiety. Although I would have felt comfortable selling a book in a bookshop, I felt uncomfortable charging for something on the internet, even though in essence, the online resource is more comprehensive than a book could be. My excitement about publicising the resource was marred by my discomfort around asking people to pay for it.
Working with Sandra was the most interesting experience. We explored the roots of my belief that money is for other people and looked at how it had impacted my life. It was quite an emotional experience but Sandra was so supportive and encouraged me to explore the belief further and through her skilful guidance the belief started to feel less important. Later Sandra sent me a template to complete in my own time. As I reflected and answered the questions I felt the last of the negative emotions fade away.
What I’ve noticed since, is that there is a sense of the absence of a problem. The discomfort has gone. It feels as though it wasn’t really my issue, just something I learn to believe and now I don’t.
This has allowed me to comfortably launch my resource and to engage a marketing expert to help me to promote it properly instead of holding back and hoping it’s just quietly discovered.
Asking Sandra to coach me was a big decision, but a good one. I feel greatly supported by the work we’ve done, and really excited to have her there to help me to navigate new and exciting territory in this stage of my professional life.
I would say to anyone considering the idea of receiving coaching from Sandra, especially in relation to financial limitations that may be holding you back, to just leap at the chance. I wish I’d asked for help years ago instead of carrying around an obstacle to my own financial freedom and security, as many women in business seem to. Freedom to be paid well for our work and time is liberating. It’s good for us, our families and our clients. I highly recommend it.
Averil Maher - Business Coach

If you ever have an opportunity to work with Sandra, I highly recommend you do.
Sandra has a warm, engaging style that easily puts you at ease. While talking with Sandra I had a lot of thoughts running around in my head and was so impressed by her ability to help me clarify these thoughts and identify what I needed.
She had some very useful suggestions and gave me a lot of ideas about how I could be more visible in my marketing. I’m so grateful to Sandra for her help and feel excited about my next step.'
Carolyn Parker - Self confidence/ Mindset Mentor

Before speaking to Sandra I have a real aversion to money and numbers . When anyone mentioned pricing or business financial planning it caused me to get irritable pretty quickly and feel very uncomfortable inside. I would just see a blank sheet in my mind and felt stupid that I couldn’t compute as it were !
In our sessions I discovered why this happened, partly due to money not being a female responsibility in our home as a child / in my first marriage so why should I need to think about it .. it just appears and I spend it !
Secondly when I left that situation I went through two financially abusive relationships where my attempt to manage and control money was thwarted at every turn and I ended up dependent on my elderly mother for everything , bills, rent , food money even stamps !
I am an educated lady yet I had messed up big style twice in a row which brought a lot of guilt, shame ,frustration and pain my way. It’s no wonder I didn’t want to face the money side of life again!
I’ve dealt with a lot of the emotional aftermath of these times but they’re was still remnants of shame / not good enough and needing to prove myself hanging around .
Sandra helped me to cut the emotional cords and set up a healthy money statement going forward. I have this on the cupboard by my kettle and say it alone at least twice a day.
I’m feeling much more confident about my ability to be trusted with and to manage money . This was tested just last weekend when I needed to use my judgement around a large financial decision. Not only did I understand the concepts explained to me but I connected with my gut feeling and intuition around it as well as making a brain led choice.
I am happy with the outcome of this and felt in control throughout.
I have joined another wealth programme to learn about financial planning etc in my online biz and personally which I would never have looked at before.
The future is golden .. I’m no longer afraid of that pot of gold!!
If you struggle with the concepts around money it’s not your fault ,we weren’t taught about these things at school so how can we know how to deal with them wisely .
Sandra is warm and understanding in her approach, she listens and hears your pain and is able to guide you through and assist you to untangle the emotional cords .
I would highly recommend her 90 minute deep dive into money mindset . It has set me free to be a successful business woman .
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