At the weekend I was listening to Claudia Winkleman talking to Scarlett Moffatt on her Saturday BBC Radio 2 show and Scarlett was talking about her latest programme she has complete for TV. My ears perked up when I heard her say "One thing I don't like doing is watching myself back on TV"
This caught my interest because I am exactly the same with my social media videos.......and it's my number ONE tip for you to help you share more video on social media for your coaching business: You don't need to watch yourself back!
Video is one of the best ways to show people who you are and what you do! BUT .... if you are anything like me, a self-proclaimed perfectionist, it can be a nightmare to get video of yourself on your socials!!
When I watched my videos back: I become like some sort of BBC critic and analyse the sound, the lighting, the head moves. It sounds extreme but it's kind of what happens when I watch myself back.
Until you do something about your mindset, which is what I did, sharing videos can drive you mad.
So I made a pact with myself and I decided that as long as I was okay with the content I shared in the video, there is no need to watch the video back. Let it get to the people who need the message and let them enjoy the content.
Once I gave myself the permission to be OKAY with what I had to share, how I shared it and keeping in mind it was not all about me, I then felt more free to show up on video.
2 Reasons To Create Videos
(1) Because the trend in content consumption is moving towards video
(2) Because it increases sales conversions by 85%
People feel more connected to people than they do brands and humans are drawn to other humans, we are social creatures by nature. Video remains the best way for other people to see you, hear you and get a sense of who you are beyond your instagram profile and posts.
Remember: Your video does not need to be perfect!
Recently I was watching a very well known coach's video on her website. The content was 100% valuable and helped me a lot ..... while watching it I noticed that she has two different earnings in. The difference was subtle but I noticed it.
I am not in the business of pointing out peoples mistakes .... But I got a real sense of what this means for me. When I stopped to think about it, how she looked is NOT the issue. It's the content thats most important. She may have noticed and decided too that it is more valuable to get the content out there as the video was professional and helpful. Or she may have not noticed at all.
The point is.....we don't need to be perfect to get our message over. It is not all about us or how perfect everything is.
So here are some ideas you can use to create your next or first videos for your social media or your website:
- Read your blog on video
- Talk about the IMPACT you make and who you impact
- Talk about WHY you do what you do
- Talk about the transformation your clients get from working with you
- Answer the most asked questions you get asked
I am sure you can think of some more. The main point is .... get your phone out ... sit it on a stable stand and get recording! Give yourself permission to not need to watch it back!
Ready? Okay ... so here's what to do now, DM me on Instagram @SandraWilsonCoaching to let me know you are going to take action and create some video ..... I will give you encouragement and accountability. Let's make it fun!
Thanks for always making an IMPACT - I am a stand for your success!
LISTEN TO IMACT COACHING PODCAST HERE for bite-sized tips for expanding your coaching business and mindset.